Special Webinar Event Navigating 2025: How Payers Can Respond to Emerging Trends
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About This Webinar
The election. Evolving NSA requirements. Rising costs of care. What if these were opportunities--not
obstacles--for your organization?
Tune in to hear expert Zelis panelists explore key trends for payers in 2025, share insights from the
provider perspective, and introduce innovations that can improve the care experience for all.
What you'll learn:
- Potential impacts of the election & impending legislation (NSA and beyond)
- Downstream effects of healthcare inflation
- Innovating for better provider & member experiences in the coming year
- How other large payers are preparing for the next five years
Host Jess Steinbach Webinar Moderator, Future B2B
Featuring Matthew Albright Chief Legislative Affairs Office, Zelis
Featuring Dr. Timothy Garrett Chief Medical Officer, Zelis
Featuring Eugene Hahn Senior Vice President, Blues & National Health Plans, Zelis